Power Supplies
Power Supplies

Power Supplies

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  • Type of product: Muti channel PSU

Reference: IT-M3100D

Brand: ITECH Electronic

IT-M3100D Dual-channel Programmable DC Power Supply

IT-M3100D dual-channel programmable DC power supply, only 1U half rack, provides fully isolated dual-channel output. The automatic wide-range design can provide you with higher voltage and current output, so one unit can cover a wide range of applications. Its flexible modular design, independent multi-channel design and simultaneous operation function...

Reference: IT-M3100

Brand: ITECH Electronic

IT-M3100 Ultra-compact Wide Range DC Power Supply

IT-M3100 series breaks through the traditional tech limits, in the ultra compact size of only 1U Half-Rack, the unit can not only output high power, but also has high performance and versatility. It supports the master-slave parallel mode. The full range of models support multiple stacking and parallel connection by handily designing "leg" plug-in. Fit...

Reference: IT6300

Brand: ITECH Electronic

IT6300 Triple Channels DC Power Supply

IT6300 series is high-performance programmable triple channels DC power supply, each output voltage and current can be set from 0 to maximum rated output. This series provides series connection, parallel connection and synchronous functions of channel, which offer multi-purpose solutions for customers test. IT6300 series is with high resolution 1mV/1mA...