Magnetometer HP-01
  • Magnetometer HP-01
  • Magnetometer HP-01

Magnetometer HP-01


Magnetic field meter for fields from 0 Hz (DC) to 1 kHz. Magnetometer for measurement and analysis of static and time-variable magnetic fields.


The meter includes a very powerful FFT analyzer that allows signal analysis in both the time and the frequency domains. The fast signal processing allows detailed, highly accurate gap-free analysis of the frequency spectrum.

The results can be displayed as a live spectrum, as a spectrogram versus time, or as a three-dimensional waterfall diagram. A built-in narrow band filter in the range 0 Hz to 1Hz is particularly suitable for standard-compliant measurements according to human safety standards.

The HP-01 is operated using the HP01-TS software supplied. An optical cable (10 m long) with USB adapter links the measuring device to the PC. This can be extended to 50 m with cables, available as options. Alternatively, the operation can also be carried out via the NBM-550 measuring device.

For operation in fields up to 30 mT, the HP-01 can alternatively be mounted directly on the NBM-550 using the therefore intended threaded coupling adapter. When measuring with a long fiber optic cable the HP-01 can be mounted on a tripod, using the tripod support.



  • Field exposure evaluation according to current standards and regulations such as Directive 2013/35/EU for workplaces
  • Frequency-selective and wideband measurement of magnetic fields from 0 Hz to 1000 Hz
  • Non-directional (isotropic) measurement with orthogonally arranged Hall sensors
  • Extremely wide measurement range from 10 µT to 10 T (dynamic range 120 dB)
  • FFT spectrum analysis and time response display
  • Narrow band filter for standard compliant measurement in the range 0 Hz to 1 Hz
  • Optical interface for control by PC or NBM-550


200 mm x 43 mm (kokonaispituus x enimmäishalkaisija)
100 g
0Hz - 1000Hz
-20 °C to +55 °C
Tuotteen tyyppi
Dynaaminen alue (dB)
120 dB
Mittausalue, H-kenttä
10 µT - 10 T
General Safety Instructions

General Safety Instructions, v. 09/11.2022, English

Lataa (1.13MB)
EMF Safety Brochure

EMF Safety Brochure, v. NSTS 12/21-ME-E324B, English

Lataa (511.96KB)
Service Brochure

Service & Support brochure, v. NSTS 12/21 E0368A, English

Lataa (709.54KB)
HP-01 Datasheet

HP-01-tietolehti, ver. NSTS 1221-E0332C, englanti

Lataa (1.19MB)
HP-01 Manual

HP-01 Käyttöopas, ver. HP01FI-20109-1.05, englanti

Lataa (1.8MB)
NBM-550 with HP-01 Manual

NBM-550 ja HP-01 Käyttöopas, ver. 2021-12, englanti

Lataa (501.37KB)
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